How to Blow Up On Pinterest

What does it take to make a successful pinterest post?

Let me give you the magic formula! If you’re wondering how to create successful Pinterest posts, keep reading!

  1. Bold, vertical graphics: Pinterest is a super popular platform & your main goal is to hold your viewers attention for as long as possible. This is why bold, vertical graphics are so important. The more space your post takes up on your viewers screen, the higher your engagement rate will be because the longer your audience will spend looking at your post. Horizontal posts on Pinterest are the worst thing you could post for reach.

  2. 500 Character Pin Descriptions: Pin descriptions are so important. They’re a great opportunity for you to implement as many keywords as possible into your Pinterest posts. Keywords make your post more searchable, which is super important because at the end of the day, Pinterest is a search engine. You want to use all 500 of your pin description characters so that you know that you’re using as many keywords as possible. The catch: you should never keyword stuff! Try to make descriptions sound as conversational as possible!

  3. Keyword research: In order to write successful pin descriptions, you have to do keyword research! You can do this in app via Ads, your search bar or via the Pinterest trends website! I have a great post explaining how to do keyword research on both my IG and my tik Tok!

  4. Fresh Links: Fresh links are NEW links. It is super important that you use as many fresh links as possible when you’re posting your content to Pinterest because they REALLY value new and exciting content right now. It is super easy to use fresh links if you have a blog because you’re putting up new posts all the time. If you don’t have a blog, you can use Instagram, however, I have never had as much luck with client accounts that don’t have blogs as I have with client accounts that do have blogs. A blog is a super valuable asset.

  5. Fresh Content: This one goes hand in hand with fresh links, but basically you just want to make sure that you’re switching up graphics, keywords, and all other elements of your posts weekly! Don’t use the same images or phrases over and over again!

If you want more daily tips and tricks, follow me on Instagram or Tik Tok (@gracejohncreative)! If Pinterest is overwhelming you, then fill out a client app and let me do it for you!


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