Stop Trying to do Everything

You can do a lot but you can’t do it all

Girlie, I see you trying to work every facet of your business on your own and I can feel the burn out coming FOR you. No one can run a whole ass successful business alone. You have to ask for help every once in a while and THAT’S OKAY!

I learned this the hard way. I am a headstrong, stubborn, uber-independant DOUBLE Aquarius and the things I hate most in this world are 1. Asking for help and 2. Surrendering control.

I started my business back in September of 2020 and at first, doing everything myself was a breeze. I only had one or two clients a month, I had a ton of time to educate myself, come up with stellar content, do engagement, build my own website, manage my own finances, write my own copy, do my own marketing, etc etc etc. However, at a certain point, more inquiries started coming in. My business started growing & by February, I was drowning.

I couldn’t keep up with my own business anymore. I was working 30 hours a week corporate, 30 hours a week split between 7 clients and my business was majorly suffering. I didn’t’t have time for engagement or outreach anymore, I couldn’t manage my own Pinterest, and I struggled to make time for content creation. So, I did what I never thought I would do & I hired help.

In February I hired a Virtual Assistant to do engagement for me and in March I hired a copywriter. It was such a relief. Such a weight off of my shoulders. I didn’t have to worry about engagement or copy anymore and I started to feel more in control again.

So, if you’re feeling burnt out or like you just don’t have time to do everything on your own anymore, if your business is growing at a rate that you can’t sustain alone, this is your sign to outsource.

Lucky for you, you’re in the right place. I am an Instagram and Pinterest manager! I offer full Instagram management services—content creation, planning, caption writing, and hashtag research. I also offer full Pinterest management—Blog writing, post scheduling, content creation, e-mail marketing and analytics reports. So, if you just don’t have time to market your business anymore, fill out a client application and let me take something off of your plate.


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