6 Pinterest Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Are you experiencing slow growth on Pinterest? Or have your client’s analytics suddenly dropped? You may be making one (or more) of these Pinterest mistakes. Remember, Pinterest is a seasonal platform, and analytics can trend differently depending on your Pinterest marketing goal. If you see something in this post that you’re currently doing, try switching it out for a Pinterest best practice, and see if your growth starts trending up again!

1. Pinning to the Same URL More Than Once per Day

You don’t want to get caught in Pinterest’s spam filter, do you? I didn’t think so! When you pin to the same URL more than once daily, Pinterest flags this as possible spam. Instead, follow this rule: If your account is 1 year or older, only pin one time per URL  per day, and if your account is younger than 1 year, only pin one time per URL every other day. 

2. Not Writing Board Descriptions for Each Board on Your Account

Despite being a visual search engine, Pinterest heavily relies on keywords for pushing your content out to others, and I’m a big proponent of maximizing the areas where we can add keywords. Board descriptions are one of the most-missed spots to optimize your profile. Use this space to your advantage, and never leave it blank! 

3. Not Claiming Your Website

This is the #1 Pinterest mistake I see with clients and students. You NEED to claim your website on Pinterest. If you don’t, you won’t be able to track your click-through analytics. One of the main goals I have for my clients’ Pinterest accounts is driving traffic back to their websites. Without claiming your website, all of that data is completely lost and you won’t be able to track your website referrals from Pinterest. Claiming your website also makes your pins more click-able because your link is verified (aka less likely that your pins are spam). 

4. Pinning 1-2 Times per Week

Fresh content will take you super far on Pinterest. So maximize it! Pinterest encourages accounts that create fresh content because it means you’re adding more valuable content to their platform. Posting one or two pins per week simply won’t cut it for a long-term strategy, and your account’s growth will become stagnant very quickly. 

5. Not Updating Your Keyword Research (at least) Quarterly

As I said at the top of this post, Pinterest is a highly seasonal platform. Trends, seasons, and useful keywords change depending on the time of year. Don’t expect your keywords from January to still be 100% relevant by next December! It’s super important to update your keywords quarterly at the very least. 

6. You’re Re-Pinning Too Much Content

While re-pins are popular among regular, non-business Pinterest users, re-pins should be minimized for business accounts. Pinterest prefers it when you have something new to contribute to the platform, so re-pins aren’t great for your growth. Don’t spend too much time re-pinning other creators’ pins OR your own pins. Your profile could seriously suffer for it!

A Few More Quick Pinterest Marketing Tips… 

Here are a few more quick tips you can start implementing into your Pinterest strategy today:

  • Your Pin Format: Make sure all pins are vertical. Horizontal pins go against Pinterest’s posting guidelines

  • Don’t use hashtags

  • Don’t forget to optimize your bio and title

  • Don’t use keywords that aren’t relevant to the copy of the linked URL in a post

Tired of Trying to Figure Everything Out on Your Own?

If you need help managing your client Pinterest accounts, or your own Pinterest account, I have a 1:1 Pinterest Coaching Program that might be perfect for you! With a comprehensive Pinterest Management workbook full of 70+ pages of juicy Pinterest management hacks and how-to’s, you’ll be set up for Pinterest success! PLUS, the 1:1 program also comes with 4 strategy calls and 2 months of Voxer support! Click here to apply for my next round of coaching, starting in February!


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